Monday, September 22, 2008

Live repertoire.

Everything from the repertoire of my threads, my strokes and my steps.  An exploration of my creativity.


Meghan and Lana said...

say what

kiki said...

we'll see how this goes. i'm still tweaking.

Meghan and Lana said...

I just wanna. . . . DANCE!!!!!!


Meghan and Lana said...

I think that is Meg in the background of your header pic of you and Al! I can tell because of her bracelet. Is that weird? Also, Alex is wearing two (COUNT-EM, TWO) of my AA bodysuits in that picture. I may not be able to remember anything I learned in class today, but I know what you guys all wore out to a party last November!

Meghan and Lana said...

keeks you can't just start a blog without doing a few posts the suspense is killing me.
its mt by the way

kiki said...

tis meg and that yellow/orange blotch is katie.
sorry about the suspense i have several posts in mind i just need a camera but my battery is dead and the charger is in my piled up boxes at woodycrest.